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Dr. Andrea M. Fleming 

Educator. Entrepreneur. Servant Leader. 

Soror Andrea M. Fleming was initiated into Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated by way of the Zeta Theta Chapter at the University of South Carolina in the Spring of 1994. During her nearly 30 years of membership, she reactivated Epsilon Delta Sigma (Sumter, SC), and later became a charter member of Iota Omicron Sigma Alumnae Chapter. Locally, Soror Fleming has served as Basileus, Anti-Basileus, 1st Anti-Basileus, Parliamentarian, Chaplain, and Sergeant-At-Arms. 


Along with chairing or serving on committees, she is a founding member and inaugural Chair of The Yellow Tea Rose Foundation. During her tenure as Basileus, the chapter reached Pearl Status, was recognized as Southeastern Region Rhoyal and Golden Chapter of the Year, while she was awarded SER Outstanding Alumnae Soror of the Year (2021). She has the honor of currently serving as the South Carolina Area Coordinator and has worked diligently to heighten visibility with exponential growth and social action engagement of Sorors and affiliates statewide. 


Soror Fleming was appointed as the SER Honorary Member Chair, and served on the Southeastern Region Membership Committee, Awards & Achievement Committee, and as Regional Conference Hostess. She has presented at Area Conferences, the S.W.A.G. Conference, for numerous local chapters across regions, and has been called upon by International and Regional Leadership to represent Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated at a panel discussion, Divine Nine Conclaves, and Regional Conferences. 


Soror Fleming is owner/consultant of The Gold Standard, LLC with nearly 30 years of experience as a licensed clinical mental health therapist and licensed supervisor specializing in substance use disorders treatment. She earned her Bachelor’s in Psychology from the University of South Carolina, her Masters in Counseling from Webster University, and her Ph.D. in Counselor Education from the University of South Carolina. She is also a graduate of the Leadership Institute sponsored by the Morehouse School of Medicine. Soror Fleming is a Clinical Assistant Professor and Associate Director of the Grace Jordan McFadden Professors Program at the University of South Carolina. She serves on several professional boards and has been invited statewide, regionally, and nationally offering her expertise in clinical supervision, ethics and multicultural competency in counseling. 


Soror Fleming is looking forward to igniting the Sophisticated Southeastern Region and is ready to serve our Sigma family as the next Syntaktes. Together, we will exemplify The G.O.L.D. Standard of Sisterhood!


Fleming 4 Syntaktes  is the campaign dedicated to the successful election of  Dr. Andrea Fleming  as the 25th Southeastern Region Syntaktes  of Sigma Gamma Rho  Sorority, Inc.

We will exemplify the G.O.L.D. Standard of Sisterhood  by running a clean, transparent and thoughtful campaign. We will treat every Soror – opponents and the electorate – with the respect that every Sigma  deserves. We will adhere to Sigma's Member Code of Conduct, all local, state and federal laws and operate with excellence, integrity, honor, and Greater Womanhood.

Disclaimer: Photos included on this website do not necessarily reflect an endorsement by the individuals pictured.

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